Google Local Panels With Expandable Menus

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Google seems to be now rolling out expandable menus and information sections for the local panels on the right side of the desktop interface. These were live for normal knowledge panels for a while, but I am told they are now available for local panels now.

Amy Toman posted about this on X saying, “Now seeing the “dynamic tabs” function on desktop GBP (I first spotted them on mobile only, in buttons). These dropdowns lead to searches of pricing + business name, and reviews (not GBP) + reviews, the same as the mobile ones did.”

I was able to replicate it both on desktop and mobile for this business:

Google Local Panel Expandable Menus

Here is a side-by-side on mobile with one of the sections expanded:

Google Mobile Local Panel Expandable Menus

Mike Blumenthal also posted about this, he shared a video of it in action:

So did Khushal Bherwani:

Forum discussion at X.

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