Google Showing Fewer Brand Names In Search Result Titles

Google Brands On Walls

Google may be showing less site names and brand names in the title of the search results snippet. Yes, Google has a sitename and favicon change for the search results, so maybe Google is less likely to repeat the site name in the title of the search result snippet because of that new search result layout design?

Google may be showing fewer site names and brand names in the title of the search results snippet. I received a couple of complaints about this and now the Screaming Frog team also noticed it. So I think this is legit and maybe it will stick, maybe it won’t but SEOs and site owners are noticing the lack of site names in the title of the snippet.

For example, search for Air Jordan shoes return and as you can see from the snippet, it just says “Jordan Shoes” in the title. Yes, the favicon and site name are above, but the title tag says “Jordan Shoes.” but Google just shows “Jordan Shoes” in the snippet.

click for full size

Similar with this American Airline snippet, it shows “Find New York to Miami flights” but the title tag says “American Airlines® – Find New York to Miami flights.”

click for full size

Here is what Screaming Frog posted:

The logic makes sense:

John Mueller thinks that is why:

In any event, this may be happening intentionally and SEOs are noticing.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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