New Marketing Features, New Pricing & New Site!

While leaves may still be bursting with colors in the mountains, many of us work in places where the cold, windy rains have caused a dreary ***** tree landscape. To counteract the lack of color, the Rank Ranger team harnessed an enormous amount of creative energy and launched an amazing new site that we hope you’ll find both attractive and easier to navigate.

Allow me to take you on a little tour… we’ll begin with our new site design.

new Rank Ranger site design

SEO & Marketing Platform Features

Click the Features option to expand the full site features menu. I suggest you check out the new Social Analtyics reports first.  I’ve been involved with these reports through months of beta testing and am amazed by the results we’re seeing from our own social media marketing activities – not to mention the awesome results of the team of companies that participated in the various beta test phases. I’ve never had time to log into each of our social media accounts to check reports on a regular basis and now I can view them all quickly in one dashboard. Even better is that somehow the Rank Ranger development team managed to pull in more social metrics than I see if I log into Facebook’s Insights report or Twitter Analytics and especially YouTube, and the presentation of the data insightful.

Rank Ranger site menu

There’s also a new section for Developers who need Search Intelligence APIs and the Insight Graph has become so incredibly versatile that it qualified for it’s own page.  If you don’t read our blog often, you may have missed out on the news of upgrades to Competition Analysis tools, so you may want to look at that, as well as our Marketing KPI Analysis and the universal search Brand Visibility report.

Plans & Pricing

I could go on and on about all the features I **** in Rank Ranger, but this would become a very long post so let’s move on to the new Plans & Pricing page. 

New Rank Ranger Pricing

On the Platform screen you’ll find the plans that are most popular with
small to medium businesses. It’s impossible for SEO and marketing
services to be one-size-fits-all, so if none of those are an exact fit
for you, click the Custom Plan option and submit the Build Your Own Custom
form to receive a price quote.  You’ll also find a small Starter
plan on that screen. Basic, Standard, Premium and Starter Plans qualify for up to a 30-day free trial.

SEO marketing professionals who handle large accounts can get started with the SEO & marketing plan on the Enterprise screen or submit package requirements for a custom price quote.  And companies who want to integrate Rank Ranger organic, local, mobile, video and app store search engine results data into their own applications can find daily, weekly and monthly Top 100 keyword search results and Suggested Search API Plans on the Search API screen.  If you’re not sure which plan to begin with, please contact us and we’ll be happy to explain the options.

Completing our walk through of the top navigation, we have links to our Blog, Help Center and your account Sign In. Thank you for joining me on this brief tour of our new site, there’s so much more I could show and tell you about so if you’d like to know more please drop a note in the comment section below or request a demo and we’ll be in touch.

About The Author

Laura Campbell

Laura is Rank Ranger’s Digital Marketing Manager, Editor-in-Chief and Social Media maven. Writing and marketing are Laura’s passions.

She also enjoys working with Rank Ranger’s developers on ideas for new digital marketing reports and features that will make her job easier.

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