Categorize Keywords & URLs with Tags

When it comes to data management, organization is key to being able to perform at your best. Rank Ranger wants to make this as simple as possible, therefore, in many reports, you are able to filter your data according to tags that you have added to your campaign.

Benefits of Keyword Tags

Many companies track 100 or more keywords for each website that they manage SEO for, aiming to be in the SERPs for each of them. We created our keyword tags feature so you can group the keywords by any formula you feel suits your needs best. It can be beneficial to group keywords according to product similarities, such as for Apple to group by iphone, ipad, mac and software related keywords. 

Another option for keyword tag use is to rate keywords into groups based on their best position in the SERPs – Top 5, Top 10, etc.. For example, if a keyword makes it into the Top 10 you could tag it as such and then monitor your rank reports for improvement to Top 5 (at which time you can add a new Top 5 tag to the keyword). In order for this to display in the correct order, follow these simple steps.

How to Add Tags

  • Select the campaign you would like to create the tags for and go to Campaign Settings
  • Move to the Keywords screen
  • Find the keyword you would like to add a tag to and click the + to the right
  • Add the keyword tag and Save

Add Keyword Tags

If you want to add tags (and even multiple tags) to a large batch of keywords more quickly, you can download the sample file on that screen, add your keywords and tags and upload the file.

Benefits of URL Tags

URL tags are most beneficial when tracking YouTube, Google Play Store or Apple App Store campaigns. In these search engines, the URL is usually made up of numbers and is hard to identify. They can also be valuable if you are using a campaign for Reputation Management. 

By adding a URL tag, you are able to easily identify websites that you are tracking, and for reputation management you can filter reports according to websites that positively affect your campaign or negatively affect it.

To add URL tags, follow the same steps in the Websites tab.

Add URL Tags

Have you tried Keyword and URL tags to organize your campaign data?

About The Author

Shiri Berzack

Shiri brings her knowledge in online marketing and social media, among other things to the Rank Ranger team. She’s excited to be a Ranger and looks forward to wearing the ranger hat and getting her sheriff’s badge in the SEO force.

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