PSA: Google’s Helpful Content Update Does Not Yet Find Hidden Gems

Google Hidden Gems Melt

This is just a reminder that despite Google saying the helpful content update will one day be able to find hidden gems in its search results, it does not yet do that. We thought Google would launch it with the last helpful content update, but Google did not.

When we covered the launch of the Septmeber 2023 helpful content update we specifically covered that the hidden gems feature is not part of this update.

We covered how Google said this is still in works and coming to a later version of this update, here is that tweet:

Google repeated that message last week when asked about it again:

I’ve seen a number of articles published in the past few weeks saying that this is live, it is not.

So just a reminder, the hidden gems feature of the helpful content update is still not live, not yet at least.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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