Add a Phone Number in Your Google Results | Rank Ranger

Every customer wants to speak to someone directly when they are having issues and it’s up to the company to make that as easy as possible. That’s why Google wants to help you out with this by including your phone number in your knowledge graph on a SERP.

With Google’s wide range of SERP results options, adding more information on the Knowledge Graph fits perfectly. 

Google tells you how to set this up on their support blog

You can include phone numbers for:

  • Customer service
  • Technical support
  • Billing support
  • Bill payment

This could be especially useful for local businesses as most people searching for them will want a phone number to make queries about purchases, business hours, deliveries and such.

What is a Knowledge Graph?

A Knowledge Graph is a box of information (as seen above) about a particular brand that shows up on a SERP when a user is searching for a term relating to that brand. This gives the user more information directly from the SERP rather than having to go through to a website and sift through more information. 

The Knowledge Graph also gives a brand more credibility and a larger presence on a SERP as it includes an image and basic information. It can also help to score a higher Google rank as Google is aware of your brand and knows it’s authenticity.

How Can I Get a Knowledge Graph?

Only Google can decide who gets a knowledge graph, however there are steps that you can take in order to help the process along. 

  1. Create a Google+ brand page – Google+ pages are the primary informantion source for most Knowledge Graphs.
  2. Verify your Google+ brand page – Verification is an important step and is quick and easy to do on Google+.
  3. Create a Wikipedia entry – Much of the information that is not pulled from Google+ for a Knowledge Graph, is pulled from Wikipedia. Make sure your entry is complete and up to ****.

Read Google’s official announcement on their Webmasters Blog. Let us know in the comments below if you have a knowledge graph and if you have added your number to it.

About The Author

Rank Ranger

Rank Ranger is an SEO Platform designed to standardize management and reporting for the digital marketing world by filling the need for a comprehensive online marketing platform capable of tracking & monitoring campaign data, integrated with 3rd party software and services, providing fully personalized and customized reporting, 100% white label automated reports and a branded web interface.

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