Risk Index: Google SERP Fluctuations | Rank Ranger

The Rank Risk Index has been in the danger zone for more than a week, indicating that something’s brewing over at Google. We all know that with the sometimes hundreds of Google algorithm changes that take place each year, SERPs can be negatively affected. We’re hearing reports of drops in rank of 50% or more for certain niche sites between April 5th and 18th.

Glenn Gabe of Internet Marketing Driver blog published a detailed analysis titled “Google Algorithm Updates Heavily Targeted Song Lyrics and MP3 Websites” that suggests this update has targeted song lyrics sites that link to ******* mp3 download sites, similar to the upstream copyright infringement penalties against video/film sites reported a few months back.

What have you heard or experienced?

Rank Risk Index Google SERP Fluctuations

About The Author

Rank Ranger

Rank Ranger is an SEO Platform designed to standardize management and reporting for the digital marketing world by filling the need for a comprehensive online marketing platform capable of tracking & monitoring campaign data, integrated with 3rd party software and services, providing fully personalized and customized reporting, 100% white label automated reports and a branded web interface.

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