Book Review: The SEO Entrepreneur (5/5)

The SEO Entrepreneur is a book written by yours truly, Nathan Gotch.

I wrote this book because starting a client SEO business was my best decision ever.

The Origin Story

It helped me go from a broke security guard who was $40,000 in debt… to achieving financial and time independence.

And it was all possible because I took a leap of faith and started my own SEO business.

But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

For example, my first client paid me a whopping $100/mo, which was hell on earth.

Hint: Your pricing determines the quality of your clients.

But I kept going and started charging $500/mo, then $1,000/mo, and today, businesses pay $10,000/mo for my services (when I actually take on clients).

And it’s 100% possible for you to achieve the same success as long as you understand a couple of things:

It’s possible

Here comes the Tony Robbins motivational speech. But I’m serious. It’ll never happen if you don’t believe it’s possible.

Not trying to be tacky here, but look at this screenshot below from my Stripe account:

These are $10,000/mo payments for SEO services.

See, it’s possible.

So, let’s keep moving.

You have to fall in **** with failure

I’ve been at this for over 10 years and lost count of my “failures.” But the truth is, a successful business is nothing more than the byproduct of thousands of micro failures over many years.


If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not learning. I still make mistakes constantly, but those mistakes rarely get repeated.

That means there’s a compound effect from every mistake you learn from. That makes you smarter, more effective, and more successful.

There are no successful entrepreneurs without scar tissue.

**** SEO

Don’t even try to start an SEO business unless you **** this art and science. You will never beat people like me who live and breathe it constantly.

But if you do **** it, it makes everything easier.

First, you’ll always be learning and trying to find that edge.

Secondly, you’ll close SEO deals more easily because you’re passionate about your work. That passion is contagious and inspires your clients to want to invest.

Now that you understand what it takes to succeed with a client SEO business, what will you learn in The SEO Entrepreneur?

The SEO Entrepreneur (Sneak Peak)

In part one, you’ll learn why the SEO industry is more alive than ever and why client SEO is the best business model for beginners.

You’ll also learn how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that increases your **** of success.

Do not underestimate this.

Society has conditioned most people to think like sheep.

To thrive in business, you must become a wolf.

Think about it:

The median household income in the US is $70,784.

And let’s say your first SEO business goal is to make $100,000/year (profit).

That means you have to earn 41% more than the average person.

In other words:

You have to be 41% better than average.

So, how do you become 41% better than society?

You start by using a different operating system.

In the book, I’ll show you three mindset shifts that will change how you think forever.

In part two, I’ll show you how to pick a niche, differentiate yourself from everyone else, and build your brand from scratch.

Then, in part three, you’ll learn how to get clients even if no one knows you. And at the same time, you’ll also learn how to get clients to come to you (organically).

And lastly, in part four, you’ll learn how to close SEO deals even if you don’t consider yourself a salesperson.

The SEO Entrepreneur Review

There are many great SEO books to choose from. In fact, I’ve read 26 of the top SEO books myself. But The SEO Entrepreneur is the only book that shows how to start an SEO business from scratch.

And it’s perfect for you if you’re starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to upgrade your existing SEO business.

I promise you, there’s something in this book for you, no matter what stage you’re at.

Plus, it’s free, so you have nothing to lose.

And here’s my hidden agenda:

The book gives you a solid foundation so you can start seeing results.

Then, when you’re ready to take your SEO business to the next level, you’ll join our SEO training program, Gotch SEO Academy.

Either way, go here to get your free book (just pay for shipping).

It’s also available on Amazon, but the best deal is on my website.

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