Google Explore Section Coming Up Closer To Page Two Of Search Results

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Google Explore is a section in the mobile search results that generally shows up after scrolling several pages of search results. Google at some point decides to give you a more news portal interface after you scrolled through five dozen search results. But Google seems to be showing the Explore feature now closer to page two of the search results.

Glenn Gabe noticed this and posted on X, “When checking a query based on digging into the October core update, I saw Explore show up *after just one scroll*, so basically page 2 in the mobile SERPs. So, for sites that got pushed to page 2, that are not in Explore, you are gone. Totally gone. Poof… Beware.”

I am able to replicate it, Explore comes up like after page two and a half, instead of after like page five or so when it first launched. Here is Glenn’s GIF of this in action:

Google Explore Scroll Less

Again, I can replicate this and I feel as if the Explore section is coming up way too soon and that Google should provide search results, not this Explore interface, until much later.

Maybe Google is testing this? Maybe Google is doing this for a number of query types? I am not sure but I do not like it.

We all say that being on page two is like being invisible – this guarantees it.

Forum discussion at X.

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