Google Business Profiles Register Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Google Heart Rate

Google sent out emails a couple of days ago to businesses asking them to register their Automated External Defibrillator (AED) with Google Business Profiles. Google said, “you could save lives” if you do it.

“This can help emergency responders find the life-saving device when someone nearby is suffering from a cardiac arrest emergency,” Google wrote.

It is not clear if Google will add an AED icon to your Business Profile in Google Maps. Or if it will just add the details to the PulsePoint AED map that EMTs can use to locate an AED?

Here is a copy of the email:

Google Business Profiles Defibrillator Registeration

It reads:

If your business has an AED, register it today.

By registering your Automated External Defibrillator (AED) you could save lives.

*By clicking register, you are going to a third-party website. PulsePoint is an independent third party and any information provided to and any interaction with PulsePoint are subject to PulsePoint terms and privacy policy.

Does your business have an AED? If so, it only takes a minute to register it on the PulsePoint AED map. This can help emergency responders find the life-saving device when someone nearby is suffering from a cardiac arrest emergency.

Google will send your business information to PulsePoint to pre-populate the registration form, making it easier for you to register. The registration won’t change anything on your Business Profile.

Know a business that has an AED? Be sure to tell them to register theirs at – every AED counts.

The link takes you to your Google Maps Place ID details directly on PulsePoint’s website.

Forum discussion at X and Local Search Forum.

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