Google: Language Indicators In Title Tags Doesn’t Do Anything For SEO

Google Languages Woman Books

Google’s John Mueller was asked if adding a language indicator to the meta title tag would have any impact on SEO and Google Search in any way. John Mueller replied that he does not think so, not in any positive or negative way, at least.

The question was, “does adding a language indicator like (EN) to the meta title help in any way with crawling, indexing or international content interpretation?”

John replied, “I don’t think that would do anything on Google’s side (neither positive nor negative).”

Here are those tweets in context:

I mean, sometimes you see financial sites put stock tickets in the title tag, but that might be an old Google News and Google Stocks method to help Google understand what the article is about. But putting EN or other language codes in your title tag, likely won’t benefit you much.

Forum discussion at X.

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