Google Search Console Crawl Rate Setting Is Gone

Google Robot Tinkering

Google has finally done away with the crawl rate setting within the legacy Google Search Console. It now redirects to the blog post about the feature going away.

A couple of months ago, Google told us the crawl rate setting is going away. And it did. The legacy feature to control how fast Google crawls your website went away on January 8, 2024, as Google said.

That feature launched 15 years ago but Google never migrated it to the new version of Search Console. Gary Illyes from Google said, “with the improvements we’ve made to our crawling logic and other tools available to publishers, its usefulness has dissipated.”

Glenn Gabe spotted it going away yesterday:

If you try to use the old tool, it will redirect you. Here are old screenshots of it:

Google Search Console Crawl Rate Limit Setting

Here is how it looked when it launched:

Old Google Search Console Crawl Rate Limit Setting

Forum discussion at X.

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