How to Write Link Building Email Templates To Get Replies — Serpstat Blog

Why Use Link Building Email Templates?

Sending cold emails that get replies is hard. Having a set of tried and tested link building email templates to tap into gives you a predictable way to reach out to your link building prospects.

Templates will make you more productive, as you can rely on one set format, then switch out fields like names and company names to improve personalization.

3 Examples of Link Building Email Templates

Writing an email template can be hard, even if you’re keenly aware of the best practices to follow, such as those listed above. To help you get started, here are three link building template examples you can follow to get started.
Make sure to tailor each email to your unique link building campaign.

Example 1: Link Insertion Email Template

This template covers a common link building scenario: asking someone to add a link to an existing blog post, article, or page on their website. The key is that the resource you’re pitching adds real value to their readers and audience. Here’s a template you can follow for inspiration:

Subject: Your blog post on {{prospect.custom.Blog_Topic}}

Hi {{prospect.first_name}},

I just finished reading your article on {{prospect.custom.Blog_Topic}}. Hope to use some of those concepts in my next SEO audit to improve results.

Noticed that you added several interesting data points to back up your claims. I recently published a deep-dive on [topic] and we found some incredible data, such as [interesting statistic].

Think some of the data points like the above could be interesting to your readers?


Example 2: Guest Post Request Template

Guest posts are an excellent way to generate brand awareness, grow your personal network, and of course, build links. This template is a simple, effective way to start conversations that lead to guest post opportunities.

Subject: Contributing to {{}}’s blog?

Hi {{prospect.first_name}},

Awesome job getting [notable guest] on your podcast, and thoroughly enjoyed the final interview.

Saw that you’ve accepted guest posts from relevant contributors in the past that add value, and with my background in marketing and SEO, I think I could come up with some interesting ideas for your readers.

Are you currently accepting contributions?


Example 3: Broken Link Template

Broken link building is a timeless backlink building strategy. First, you’ll use an SEO tool like Serpstat to spot popular pages with links pointing to a 404 or non-existent page. Then, you’ll then reach out to the website owner and let them know. If you’re lucky, they’ll be happy to add in a resource of yours instead to replace the broken link. Here’s a template you can use:

Hi {{prospect.first_name}},

Loved your article on {{prospect.custom.Blog_Topic}} – the first-hand experience you shared about paid advertising strategy was really helpful.

When reading your article, I noticed that a link to {{prospect.custom.Broken_Link}} goes to a 404 page.

I have a similar case study that might be a good replacement. Shall I send it over?



Link building outreach isn’t easy. Your recipients have other priorities, and catching their attention can be hard.

But, the best practices and link building templates we’ve looked at are an excellent starting point.

When creating your templates, make sure they are personalized to each recipient and make sense in context of your link building goals.

Once you start seeing results, you can scale up the process and it won’t be long before you’re regularly securing new, high-quality links thanks to your outreach.

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