Interactive Google Algorithm Timeline | Rank Ranger

As the main search engine that people use,
Google is hugely powerful. The word ‘Google’ is now in dictionaries as a verb,
it is that ubiquitous to daily living. Where previously we used to have to search
books to get an answer to something or gain some knowledge about a topic,
Google is readily available with an answer to a query.

This interactive timeline from DPFOC in Ireland presents the history
of the Google algorithm updates with supporting text, image and video. This was
created in advance of the mobile algorithm update that Google released on
Tuesday, the 20th of April, and has been updated to reflect the Mobile-Friendly algorithm.

Online businesses all want to rank top of
their relevant search engine results page and as a result we have seen the
emergence of the search engine optimization industry which aims to get websites
ranking through a series of techniques. Over the years, Google has been
steadfast in its efforts to make the Internet a better place for users and so
we have seen a number of algorithm updates. Google’s spider software crawls the
internet and ranks websites according to what it deems appropriate for specific
keywords and phrases and the various algorithm updates have attempted to make
the results experience better for the user.

Some algorithm updates were bigger or had more
impact than others, but there were others that caused some search
engine optimization companies to rethink their whole strategies. Previously
they may have been involved in what was then accepted or widely done – the wide
scale building of links using black hat methods. Today this kind of behaviour
or practice is frowned upon and even penalized by Google. They will penalize a
website if they deem it not to be following their guidelines. Google is thought
to have over 200 ranking factors which they don’t even confirm so it can still
be a guessing game for website owners and SEOs. The search giant only ever
emphasizes the importance of making the Internet a better user experience for
people and so this is what search marketers try to focus on in order to achieve
good rankings.

As a result of this, we have seen a greater
focus and investment on the likes of content marketing as companies try to rank
and build links by producing content that people will want to link to or share.

About The Author

Helen O'Keeffe

DPFOC is an online marketing company with offices in Ireland, UK, USA and Canada.

They offer SEO-specific services as well as many other aspects of online marketing including solutions for paid search, attribution and third party platforms such as Amazon and eBay.

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