Google Testing SGE Ads – Sponsored Content – You May Also Like

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Google seems to be testing a new ad format for the Search Generative Experience named “you may also like.” These seem like content ads, where Google shows sponsored content, articles, in a carousel, below the follow-up section after asking SGE follow up questions.

Glenn Gabe spotted this and took some screen captures before the test disappeared for him. He posted on X saying, “We know Google has explained it wants to test more ads in the SGE answer & possibly sponsored parts of the answer. Well, I saw this sponsored module while testing SGE. The carousel
of sponsored content showed up after asking follow-up questions.”

Here is his screenshot:

Google Ads You May Also Like

“Worth noting I only had these show up for about a day in SGE… then nothing. So Google is clearly testing the module of sponsored content (and it was based on follow-up questions in SGE). If you focus on paid, definitely a big heads-up,” Glenn added.

Here are more screenshots:

Forum discussion at X.

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