GPT-4 Turbo Now Powers Microsoft Copilot

Bing Copilot Robot Running

In November, Microsoft said we would soon see Copilot powered by GPT-4 Turbo instead of GPT-4. Well, it took several months, and now Copilot uses GPT-4 Turbo.

Mikhail Parakhin from Microsoft posted on X wrote, “After quite some work, GPT4-Turbo replaced GPT-4 in the Copilot free tier. Pro users can still choose the older model, if prefer (there is a toggle).”

So on Copilot you will default to GPT4-Turbo but if you are a Copilot Pro user you can still access the older model.

Also, Turbo is in all three modes of chat.

Here is that post:

Forum discussion at X.

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