Bing Chat / Microsoft Copilot Mode Usage: Balanced 70%, Creative & Precise 15% Each

Bing Robot Doing Math

Mikhail Parakhin from Microsoft shared how often the different modes in Microsoft Copilot, formerly known as Bing Chat, are used. There is Balanced mode, creative mode and precise mode. Balanced mode gets 60-70% of the usages, whereas the other two modes get about 15% each.

Mikhail wrote on X, “Balanced is the most popular, maybe 60-70% of the people (it is the fastest and the default). Creative and Precise are 15%-ish each.”

Bing Chat Copilot Modes

Here are those posts:

Bing Chat Usage Post

I thought creative mode would get more usage than precise mode because of the image generation aspect but I guess I was wrong.

To learn more about these chat modes, read this story.

Forum discussion at X.

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