9 more states join federal antitrust lawsuit against Google

9 more states join federal antitrust lawsuit against Google

A group of nine states, comprising Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia, have become part of a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit against Alphabet’s (GOOGL.O) Google. The suit contends that the search and advertising giant violated antitrust regulations while operating its digital advertising business, according to the department’s … Read more

Creating Content That Ranks: A Guide to SEO-Friendly Content Creation | SEOblog.com

Creating Content That Ranks: A Guide to SEO-Friendly Content Creation | SEOblog.com

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) content is on the rise. ChatGPT has disrupted a lot of businesses, and marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) is no different. The way you create content and how search engines now look at it is changing — and will continue to change. Smart content creators and marketers can … Read more

Google’s interest-based ad experiments show ad spend, click-through rates down slightly

Google’s interest-based ad experiments show ad spend, click-through rates down slightly

Results from a Google experiment showed that interest-based audience solutions performed reasonably well compared to third-party cookies. The results. The results were compared using interest-based audience (IBA) solutions with privacy-preserving signals on the display network, Google Display Ads advertiser spending on IBA, as a proxy for scale reached (meaning that a particular metric or value … Read more

SEO vs. PPC: Differences, pros, cons & an integrated approach

SEO vs. PPC: Differences, pros, cons & an integrated approach

SEO or PPC?  Like everything in marketing, it would be great if there was a simple answer to the SEO vs. PPC question.  Unfortunately, despite the human temptation to simplify this into a binary answer, the answer is complicated.  SEO helps your webpages rank higher on the non-paid search results by improving the quality and … Read more

Google implements a new GA4 fractional, cross-channel web conversions feature

Google implements a new GA4 fractional, cross-channel web conversions feature

Google Ads has recently implemented a new feature that allows the platform to import fractional, cross-channel web conversion credits from Google Analytics 4 properties. How it works. In the past, web conversions were imported from Google Analytics 4 using a cross-channel last click approach and then assigned in Google Ads based on the chosen attribution … Read more

Google Vehicle Ads Now Open To Canadian (& US) Advertisers

Google Vehicle Ads Now Open To Canadian (& US) Advertisers

Google’s vehicle ads, which launched as a beta in January 2022 and then became available to all US advertisers in March 2022, are now available to Canadian advertisers this month. Google said, “Starting in April 2023, vehicle ads will be available to all Canadian advertisers. Vehicle ads will expand to more countries at a later … Read more

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