Why search marketing education is a MUST within companies

Why search marketing education is a MUST within companies

There’s an overlooked problem in many of today’s companies and their marketing departments: a lack of education and leadership in search marketing.  It’s something that could be improved and has caused me a bit of angst when working at a new company for the first time.  Addressing this issue can improve search marketers’ job satisfaction … Read more

How higher education is failing at SEO

How higher education is failing at SEO

As academic institutions continue to focus on providing quality education and research, their online visibility is often neglected. This means that potential students may be unable to find them easily on search engines, leading to missed opportunities for growth and impact. In the fall of 2022, Search Influence commissioned a study with the research team … Read more

Medical Practice Marketing 101: Leveraging the Power of Patient Education

Medical Practice Marketing 101: Leveraging the Power of Patient Education

What healthcare marketing strategies leverage patient education as a medical practitioner? Healthcare consumerism is changing how medical practice professionals market their services. Today’s consumers expect an innovative and advanced healthcare experience.  Patients are actively educating themselves online to make informed decisions on their treatment options. According to a study, 80% of internet users in America … Read more

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