SEO Tracking: Key Metrics to Monitor Your Success

SEO Tracking: Key Metrics to Monitor Your Success

If you’re devoting time and resources to SEO, you likely want to know whether those efforts are successful.  That’s where SEO tracking comes in. It helps you determine the effects your optimizations are having.  This article will break down how to track SEO performance. Including which metrics to track and the platforms that help you … Read more

JavaScript: To understand the basic differences between arrays and sets. / Blogs / Perficient

JavaScript: To understand the basic differences between arrays and sets. / Blogs / Perficient

1. Introduction The two most common types of data structures to be used in programming are arrays and sets. They may seem to be the same, but in terms of their properties and abilities there are distinct differences. To optimize their code and make it work better, developers need to understand these differences. We’ll be … Read more

YouTube Channel Keywords: What They Are + 7 Best Practices

YouTube Channel Keywords: What They Are + 7 Best Practices

When a user searches for “eco-friendly eating” on YouTube, how does YouTube determine which channels are relevant to this specific interest? In addition to considering various factors (including individual videos), YouTube looks at the broader theme of the channels in question. More specifically, it factors in YouTube channel keywords.  In this post, we’ll explain how … Read more

Diggity Marketing SEO News Roundup—January 2024

Diggity Marketing SEO News Roundup—January 2024

Jump into the new year with the biggest stories in SEO. This roundup covers AI, SEO heists, and big hints from Google about what’s coming next. First, you’ll review some recent data, analysis, and case studies. You’ll learn some new SGE insights, find out what tests revealed about removing meta descriptions, and learn whether the … Read more

The great SEO heist: The untold story

The great SEO heist: The untold story

It’s been a few months since the great SEO heist went viral online. You probably have heard all about it already. But what you need to learn is the untold story.  Because that changes everything. SEO robbery in broad daylight I’m not going over old ground here, but in case you missed it, here are … Read more

Google Says Its Paywalled & Subscription Structured Data Method Is Not Leaky

Google Says Its Paywalled & Subscription Structured Data Method Is Not Leaky

Google’s flexible sampling solution that replaced the first-click-free solution for gated, subscription or paywalled content launched in 2017. Since then, many publishers use the paywall structured data to communicate to Google the full content that is behind the content gate. Some are calling this solution “leaky” in which Google responded saying it is not. Ryan … Read more

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