GPT-4 vs. Google Cloud: Performance comparison on 9 SEO tasks

GPT-4 vs. Google Cloud: Performance comparison on 9 SEO tasks

OpenAI’s APIs, especially the large language model (LLM) GPT-4 and its chatbot ChatGPT, have gained significant popularity in the past year. Despite the availability of marketing APIs from long-established providers like Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and AWS for over a decade, many search marketers prefer generative AI ****** for their SEO-related tasks. This article compares … Read more

Google SGE Some Products To Consider (Shopping)

Google SGE Some Products To Consider (Shopping)

Google SGE, the Search Generative Experience, seems to have rolled out a search carousel named “Here are some products to consider.” This carousel shows you products from different vendors that you can click on to engage with the Google Shopping graph. As Khushal Bherwani posted on X – search for [crop tops] and probably other … Read more

Leveraging Generative AI for Image Creation in Performance Max Campaigns

Leveraging Generative AI for Image Creation in Performance Max Campaigns

In this blog, we dive into Google Ads’ groundbreaking initiative with Generative AI in Performance Max campaigns. Designed to enhance ad performance and creativity, this new feature allows users to generate unique images based on specific prompts, opening up a world of possibilities for businesses in need of fresh, high-quality visuals.

Currently available to eligible customers in the United States, with a global launch planned for 2024, Google’s Generative AI promises to revolutionize the way ads are created and optimized.

Join us as we explore the ins and outs of this innovative tool, from generating new images to future expectations of refined control and improved quality. Stay ahead of the curve with the latest in AI-driven advertising!

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The list of features being removed from Google Assistant

The list of features being removed from Google Assistant

Google is changing the Google Assistant, removing and changing dozens of features that some of you may have become accustomed to. Google said these changes are aimed to “focus on quality and reliability,” adding it will “ultimately make it easier to use Assistant across devices,” the company wrote. With these changes, Google also has laid … Read more

Google Local Services Ads Direct Business Search Setting

Google Local Services Ads Direct Business Search Setting

Google Local Services Ads added a new setting named direct business search. This setting gives advertisers the option to show their ads when someone searches for your brand or business directly. Yes, so if someone searches for your brand, they will see your website and local listing anyway, but you can also show your ads … Read more

How to leverage Google’s ‘About this result’ for SEO insights

How to leverage Google’s ‘About this result’ for SEO insights

Optimizing for E-E-A-T is challenging because these signals rely heavily on external validation. Simply proclaiming your own expertise and trustworthiness is not enough. What other sites say about you carries more weight. This explains the long history of link building in SEO. Links still matter for quantifying E-E-A-T. But amassing links solely for quantity won’t … Read more

Google Ads PMax Auction Insights Box Adds Competitor Data

Google Ads PMax Auction Insights Box Adds Competitor Data

Google has updated the auction insights box within the Google Ads console for Performance Max campaigns. The update now shows top advertiser data with comparison data and a new section labeled “competitors entering and exiting”. Thomas Eccel spotted this and posted about it on X, he said, “Auction Insights box for PMAX has been upgraded!” … Read more

The Power of Facebook Pixel: Harnessing Data for Optimal Ad Performance

The Power of Facebook Pixel: Harnessing Data for Optimal Ad Performance

The Facebook Pixel is a crucial tool in digital advertising, powering data-driven marketing strategies. It tracks and analyses visitor actions on your website, providing valuable data to optimise advertising. Retarget audiences, measure conversions and understand customer behaviour for tailored Facebook campaigns In this blog, we delve into the specifics of Facebook Pixel optimization for optimal … Read more

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